Here are the results from the Spring Science Interest Survey and the STEM Playground Survey.
STEM Playground

The overall results of 2nd-4th grade were to NOT to make the STEM Playground activities a competition.
4th voted YES to make it a competition, 57% to 43%
2nd and 3rd (except for room 212) overwhelmed the 4th grade by voting overwhelmingly to not make it a competition.
5th Grade and Mrs. Larkin’s class did not do the online survey. They voted by raise of hand. Those classes mostly voted for Bombs Away as their #1 choice.

The top five STEM Playground activities were:
- Riding on Air
- Float a Boat
- Bombs Away
- Gondola Ride
- Ramp Race
Both Float a Boat and Bombs Away were tied.
Rooms 201, 203, and 212 did not take this survey, but when I asked about the activity they liked the most, Bombs Away was a favorite. (You can take the survey still. I posted it in Google Classroom.)
Science Interest Survey Results
First, I should explain that I changed the survey between when I gave it on Monday and then the rest of the week. It was hard to blend in the results from rooms 201, 203, and 212 with the rest of the classes. The results would be better if students from those rooms redid the new survey instead. I did put it in Google Classroom.

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