Your friend is coming to visit. What should they pack in their suitcase?

Your friend is coming to visit. They live in another place and they want to know what the weather is like.
What should they pack in their suitcase so they are ready for San Diego winter weather?
What is it like in San Diego during the winter?
How does our weather compare to a place like Alaska during the winter?
The pictures on the left show winter in San Diego.
What should your friend pack?
See below.
These are the clothes you have on your paper.
What should your friend pack?
What should they leave at home?
Are there any clothes that are maybes?

Your friend lives in a place called Fairbanks, Alaska.
This is what their winters look like.
What clothes would they need there?
If you were going to visit your friend in Alaska, what would YOU need?
How are the two places different?
How are the clothes you wear different?
What to pack for San Diego in the winter?
YES - Pack these
No - Leave these at home
Cut out and glue clothes to bring to San Diego here in your notebook.
Cut out and glue clothes to leave at home here in your notebook.