Penguins Symbaloo

For the Epic block, the code is: iqy0462

Cloud Types with Cotton

Look at these cloud photos.

Questions for you to think about:

  1. How are they the same?
  2. How are they different?
  3. WHY are they different?
  4. What makes the clouds change?

Stratus Clouds

How would you describe stratus clouds?

What words would you use?

Cumulus Clouds

How would you describe cumulus clouds?

What words would you use?

Cirrus Clouds

How would you describe cirrus clouds?

What words would you use?

Cumulonimbus Clouds

How would you describe cumulonimbus  clouds?

What words would you use?

Different Cloud Types

There are actually a lot more types of clouds!

But there names combine the ones we heard above.

Stratus = low or layered

Cumulus = puffy, heap, or pile

Cirrus = high, curl, or fringe

Nimbus = storm or rain

How to Make Clouds from Cotton

  1. Fold the paper in half
  2. Fold the paper in half again
  3. Open up the paper
  4. In the first box, write your name
  5. Write the cloud words in each of the other three boxes. 
  6. Stretch the cotton balls to make the shapes of the clouds.
  7. Use white glue to glue them on.

Stratus are low clouds and cover the sky.

Cumulus clouds are puffy

Cirrus clouds are high, thin, and stretched.

We are going to read this book. 

Remember the questions that we have above. 

  1. How are they the same?
  2. How are they different?
  3. WHY are they different?
  4. What makes the clouds change?


Kinder and 1st Grade – Weather and Clothing

Your friend is coming to visit. What should they pack in their suitcase?

Your friend is coming to visit. They live in another place and they want to know what the weather is like. 

What should they pack in their suitcase so they are ready for San Diego winter weather?

What is it like in San Diego during the winter? 

How does our weather compare to a place like Alaska during the winter? 

The pictures on the left show winter in San Diego. 

What should your friend pack? 

See below.

These are the clothes you have on your paper. 

What should your friend pack?

What should they leave at home?

Are there any clothes that are maybes?

Your friend lives in a place called Fairbanks, Alaska. 

This is what their winters look like.  

What clothes would they need there? 

If you were going to visit your friend in Alaska, what would YOU need? 

How are the two places different?  

How are the clothes you wear different?


What to pack for San Diego in the winter?

YES - Pack these

No - Leave these at home

Cut out and glue clothes to bring to San Diego here in your notebook. 

Cut out and glue clothes to leave at home here in your notebook.